Do 20 - 25 content to get enough people to 25 to make a Free Company as fast as possible. Doing Halatali is the most effective way, and we will enter in groups of 4, apply in the feed below on the main site.
To get the Halatali instance, you must do the quest that is found in Vesper Bay (near main questline west part of uldah) that is called "Hello Halatali". By doing this quest, it will be added to your duty list. Im looking forward to seeing you there!
Count me in! I am only 15 atm but I will go hardcore to level 25 the 24th of this month the moment early release is starting :) I have 10k gil if needed, so I can chip in where needed. If I am to late to go for the Free company, make sure you invite me as soon as possible please seeing there are only 512 slots on each server :)
My Skype (to chat) is: Mithradantor
I am a professional webdeveloper and 3d developer (learning 3d though). I will build a professional website (next to Guildworks) for our guild. It would be nice if some people want to donate a small amount for the hosting but we can talk about that later.
I will start the development soon, if you have idea's and suggestions, feel free to let me know. I (we) will make a topic for idea's soon on Guildworks ;)
I will also design some avatar / signatures which will display real time statistics for the people who want ;)
Well, the guildworks might be best to use as website due to the linking of loot, characters, raids, events, voice chat and stuff like that. You can pretty much do whatever you want with it if you use the plans that costs a bit money :P Though, if you are able to link these things to a new website, that would be even more epic :D
I can link anything I want to a new (our very own, without limitations) website :) Just takes some time for me to code and design everything but that's all :)
There are basicly no limitations when I code stuff myself ;)
guys, btw, before we do halatali, all should get grand company first. We get hunting log for grand company, and should do the lower instances first for a HUGE exp boost, yes, a HUGE exp boost. Also, should take same grand company for the same logs, but dont have to of course :P Im planning on Limsa btw ^^
Yup. Thats at least the one im going. And well, they have the best place to have a Company house, at least in my opinion :P I like how its so open and by the sea ^^
Medura Bloodspiller Admin replied
600 weeks ago